Shuffle the deck, then nominate a person to take a card (with the number side up). Without showing anyone, the nominated person will tell a story about their “life” as the object on the card, but can’t say what it is. Everyone else has to guess. Whoever gets the most guesses right wins. Have your guests form a circle. Choose one person as the leader. The leader chooses one of the objects – let us say a ball – and hands it to the person to their right saying, “This is a ball.” The conversation continues moving from person to person as follows: Person #2 – “A what?” Leader – “A ball.” Person #2 – “Oh, a ball!” Then Person #2 passes the ball to person #3 and the same conversation occurs again. Meanwhile, the leader takes another object and begins passing it, saying the same thing, for example, “This is bread.” The leader continues to take new objects and pass them and the objects make their way around the circle with the same conversation repeated by all players as they pass and take an object. If a player messes up, they are out of the game. You can pass items around the circle more than once. Start by creating a list of 12 to 15 interesting places, things, and circumstances that players can capture in pictures wherever you are. For example, if you’re in an apartment complex you might as for things like: • A group photo within the tennis court (or any court) • A very relaxing place • Something big and purple (Purple car maybe?) • A big tree • A cute pet • Seven things with the letter “m” Make copies for each team. Divide the group into teams of three or four people and let the groups use their phones to take the pictures. The goal of this game is to find everything on the list within a set amount of time. When teams get back together, award one point for each photo taken and bonus points for extra effort or creativity. The player who can guess who they are with the least number of questions is the winner. Begin by having all the players sit in a circle. Tell all of the players they have to remain as solemn and serious as they can throughout the game. Pick one player to start the game, saying “Ha” once. The player standing next to him says the word “Ha” twice. Following this pattern, the third player says “Ha” three times. As the game progresses, eliminate any players who laugh or make noise when it is not their turn. The player who avoids laughing throughout the game wins. Now everyone tries to figure out which one’s the lie. Once discovered, players can share more about it. The group guesses if the story really belongs to one of three and if so, to which one. This continues until all the slips of paper are used. At that point, each person tells his or her own story with additional details. Arrange the room so everyone is on the floor and in a circle. You’ll also need a pack of sentences that you’ve written and cut into strips. Only you will have access to this pack. Be creative with these sentences, the crazier they are, the funnier. Example: The man started crying when he saw “The Notebook” or the man believes he is Batman. (I’m sure you guys can come up with better stuff) Nominate someone to start. Allow them to choose a sentence, with 10 seconds to read it, then 20 seconds to draw it. The sketchpad is passed to the next player, who must work out what the drawing is Ask them to write their sentence for this drawing on another page The next player then draws that sentence on another blank page. Once the sketchpad reaches the last person, it should end on a drawing; if not, keep going until it does. The person that finally ends with the sketch pad guesses what the original sentence is. To play, ask a volunteer to pull a piece of string from the clump and slowly wind it around their index finger. While they do so, they must introduce themselves and then talk about themselves until the string is completely wound up. The fun part is that some people get a long string and must keep talking. Based on the colors they’ve picked, make people go around and tell you about themselves. If they’ve picked more of the same color (e.g. 3 greens), then they share a bit more about that specific color. A referee stands at the other end of the lines, facing the chair. Tell everyone in the lines to close their eyes except for the first player on each line (the one closest to the referee). The team members are also not allowed to talk. The referee then flips a coin and quietly shows it to the first players on each team. If the coin lands on heads, the two people at the front of the lines squeeze the hand of the next person in line as quickly as possible. Each person, whose hand is squeezed, squeezes the person’s hand next to him or her. The goal is to be the team with the “electric pulse” passing all away along the line first. When the last team member on the line receives the pulse, that team member must pick up the small object on the chair. The first team that does so wins a point. If the team makes a mistake and tails was actually the result of the toss, they lose a point. Set a total number of points as the goal for winning the game. When your party arrives, divide your party group into two to four teams of two to six people in each team. Make sure that all teams have the same number of participants. Arrange your cups into the typical beer pong formation (four cups in the back row, three cups in the next row, two cups following the row of three cups, and lastly, one cup following the row of two cups. Your formation should look like a triangle made of plastic cups.) and place them at the opposite ends of a long table. A plastic folding table should do fine. Fill each cup partially with your beverage of choice. If everyone in your party is of drinking age, you can fill it with beer. Have teams take the opposite side of the table behind the formation of cups. Each team will start out with one of the team members “shooting.” The shooter will rotate with each turn. The goal is to try and get one of the plastic balls into one of the cups on the end of your opponent’s side. If someone manages to insert their ball into the opponent’s cup, the received team must drink the content of that cup and answer the number found on the bottom of that cup. However, if the receiver wants to redeem him/herself from answering the question and drinking the cup, they must insert two balls in the same cup on the opponent’s side. If they succeed, the opponent’s shooter must drink that cup and answer the number found on the bottom of the cup. After the cup has been drunk and answered, that cup is retired and can’t be used again until the end of the game. The first team to completely retire all of the opposing team’s cups wins. This is a simple idea but you can tailor it as much as you want. They should also provide several additional sentences of information that coincides with their partial sentence. Read the completed slips when everyone has arrived to help everyone get to know each other. The following is a sample list of partial sentences: • If you think this is big… • I am… • I have never… • I love it when… • is that what I…. • I think I have the best… • I would never… • I think life is… • The best thing I ever did for my self was… • The best way for me to relax is… People may find they cannot find a new someone to answer “yes” to a particular statement. In that case, they must backtrack and remove the name of someone’s “yes” response to a particular statement in order to answer another statement “yes.” The first person to complete their list wins. Each person is to listen for their magic word and collect leis, necklaces, or favors from other guests who say them. They can also trick people into saying their magic word. Conversely, if someone catches someone saying their magic words, the person who caught them can take a lei or party favor from them. The winner is the person who collects the most trophies. If you wish, you can give a small surprise at the end of the game. When you mention “Wolf” that group stands up and gives a “Wolf Whistle.” Make sure you pause for group action each time you mention Betty, Popeye, or the Wolf. You can use this story to start things off but feel free to improvise. The crazier the story the funnier this activity is. The Story Once upon a time, there was a charming young lady named BETTY who was loved by a sailor called POPEYE. BETTY lived near a great forest in which there roamed a big WOLF. One day BETTY decided to visit her grandmother who lived in the heart of the forest where the WOLF lived. POPEYE wanted to go along, but BETTY would not listen and would not let POPEYE accompany her. Soon the WOLF followed BETTY. The WOLF crept closer and closer, but behind him came POPEYE! Just as the WOLF was about to leap on BETTY, POPEYE killed him with his trusty club and saved BETTY’S life. Thus ends the story of POPEYE, BETTY Boop, and the Big Bad WOLF. Stack the cards in two piles, one for questions and one for answers. The first player chooses a question and reads it aloud. The next player chooses an answer and reads it aloud. These two cards are set aside. Continue the game until all the questions have been asked and answered. Invite players to “take as much as they will need to get the job done.” After everyone has had a good laugh over the amount of paper they took, tell them that for every piece of toilet paper they ripped off, they must tell the group one thing about themselves. Try to make the lists around six items deep. In each list, place an item that sounds like it would be part of the category but isn’t. Using this example again: Avengers, Iron Man, Black Panther, Guardians of the Galaxy, Man of Steel. You can do as many lists of categories as you’d like. Once you have your categories all set, split your group into two teams and place a small object in the between them. Explain to the teams that you will be giving them a category and a list of items. Tell them that some of the items will fit into that category but one of the items will not. As soon as they hear the item that does NOT fit in the category, they should run to the middle and grab the small object. Then, they should tell you which item was not correct on your list. If they are wrong, they are out and have to go to a place where you have assigned the “out” players to sit. If they are correct, they choose someone from the opposite team to be out. If someone guesses wrong, continue on with the same list you were using until someone gets one right. If you get to the end of your list and no one has guessed the incorrect answer, read through the list one more time and give people a chance to guess which ones were wrong if they want. If no one has a clue, move on to your next list. The winning team is the team with a player left standing. Once your guests arrive, split your group into two teams. Team A should choose one person to start as their singer. Have the singer stand at the front of the room next to the bowl filled with the balled up song titles. When you say go, the player from Team A will look at the first song and try to get their team to guess the song by singing it using only the word “Doo.” No acting or doing anything other than singing the word “doo.” If a singer doesn’t know the song that he or she picked, they can skip and pick a new song out of the bowl. Make sure to put that song back in and not tell anyone what the song was they skipped. The other players on Team A can guess as many times as they want to try and get the right song. Whoever guesses the correct song becomes the new singer. Team A continues rotating through players and guessing as many songs as they can for five minutes (or whatever time limit you decide). You earn one point for each correctly guessed song. Once the time is up, switch over to Team B and let them try! The team with the most points earned wins.

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