S: Share tweets that adds value to the stream. Adding value to the stream is how to stand out in Twitter. A good tip would be to pick a balanced mixture of content. Google Plus | Blog Google Plus | Blog LinkedIN | Facebook Facebook | Google Plus | Pinterest | Blog Facebook  | Google Plus | Instagram | Blog Know who (business contacts), what (information) and why (purpose) you are looking to connect with on Twitter and beyond. Your tweets should share thoughts, tips, resources that will help your target connections to reach their goals. Be generous with retweets, but don’t forget to share your own thoughts that can be retweeted. Twitter is not as much about you getting what you want as it is you helping others to get what they want. It is about sharing and having conversations that are win-win scenarios for everyone involved. Bottom line, be smart and have fun!” Blog | Huff Post | Facebook   The more you engage others, the stronger relationships you’ll form. There is so much to learn from others. Twitter is a source of knowledge, limitless content and valuable information.  You can connect with brands, business owners and anyone you’d like to reach out to. The opportunity is endless. Keep Engaging. Twitter is Awesome.” Google Plus | Blog With that said, also be careful who you trust and believe in Social Media. There are many fakes and spammers and scammers. Do your research and go with your gut feeling.” Blog | Facebook | LinkedIN | Instagram | Google Plus @Mom Dinner out tonight? None of @Dad’s follower’s will see it unless they also follow you. So that also means, none of your followers will see a tweet like this: @TweetSmarter is very helpful—if you’re looking for help, contact them.…unless they already follow @TweetSmarter! To rewrite the tweet so more of your followers can see it, put something in front of the username. The two most common ways to do that are: [email protected] is very helpful—if you’re looking for help, contact them. If you’re looking for help on Twitter, try @TweetSmarter. They’re great! Facebook | Google Plus | Blog To accomplish this I use an application called Hootsuite.   This tool helps you stay in touch with your followers and to manage your social media across many different platforms.  One post can reach your  twitter followers, your Facebook or Google + contacts  and others!  They have a great free service !  They are also on twitter and very helpful to users @hootsuite.” Facebook | Facebook Page |Blog I wrote this quote about a year after I started twitter: Like wind in the sky, twitter takes ideas to places out of your control, and returns ideas within your grasp.” ~ @sheconsulting Facebook |  LinkedIN | Blog And since being new may be undoubtedly overwhelming at first, make sure to utilize the “Favorite” function within the Twitter platform. Not only is this a good way for you to “mark” where you left off or perhaps note good content you may want to look at later, it will also let the original content creator know that you have taken the time and are interested in what they have to share…and who knows, it may very likely prompt them to start following you.” Facebook | Google Plus | Blog  On twitter, as in LIFE, we CHOOSE who we associate with. I surround myself with people who go OUT OF THEIR WAY to be nice.. to be helpful, to be comforting , to be supportive.. to be KIND. Kindness can entail many things- but keeping it simple – 3 S’s SUPPORT. SHARE. SINCERITY I CHOOSE to follow people  on twitter who are giving & helpful,  funny, smart, talented, artistic, brave & inspirational and ALL share their gifts. I support them by sharing those things with my followers, who in turn share them. When we use our talents to help someone else become successful, we all win.  Instagram | Pinterest | Blog “It’s really easy to become fixated with the numbers like how many followers you have or what your follow to follower ratio is.  And it’s easy to get obsessed with trying to raise your Klout or Kred score.  Instead of fixating on the numbers, focus on building good relationships with others on Twitter.  Social isn’t about the numbers, it’s about the relationships.  Be patient and build good relationships, you can meet some pretty awesome people on Twitter.  ‘Pay it forward’.” Facebook | Google Plus | Blog Facebook | Google Plus | Blog Facebook | Google Plus | Blog  Facebook | Google Plus

Google Plus | Facebook Page | Blog Facebook | Google Plus | Blog Facebook Page | Google Plus | Blog “Sometimes people you follow will need help promoting something, gathering information, or getting information out. If their work is something you enjoy and believe in, then by all means do them a solid and hit that retweet button. Just be careful about retweeting inaccurate information, particularly during times of crisis. Sending out the wrong info could create unnecessary panic among your followers and spread faster than you can control it. It’s always wiser to confirm that your data is correct before you retweet. Helping other people and causes broaden their reach on Twitter is a good deed that requires almost no effort on your part. And when the time comes that you need help getting the word out about something, your followers will be more likely to extend the same kindness. And when they do, don’t forget to say thank you!” LinkedIn Facebook | Google Plus | LinkedIN | Instagram | Pinterest  Facebook | Google Plus | Blog Google Plus LinkedIN | Google Plus | Blog

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