But has all this convenience meant that it is far too easy to impulse buy something that is both bizarre and totally useless? Surely a very bizarre and useless item to own? Well, maybe not now, as the recent Coronavirus outbreak and the ever growing threat of zombie apocalypse, could well turn out to be a very shrewd and practical purchase.   Rating in the top sellers list is unknown. https://www.amazon.ca/Best-Shopper-Smart-Wearable-Gadgets/dp/B07KR9TGCC/ref=sr_1_12?keywords=gadgets&qid=1581314571&sr=8-12 Century, relatively unchanged or the fact that millions of them are sold each week across the world. So, there is always someone trying to reinvent it and make their fortune. Thus, we now have the spectacular hands free umbrella mounted on a plastic plate strapped to your back. Bizarrely it claims you will never lose it like a conventional umbrella by inadvertently leaving it somewhere by mistake. So are you meant to wear this all the time, like when visiting friends or going to the shops? And does this mean in cinemas you have to feel sorry for the person sat behind you and your back mounted umbrella. 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